Martin Roll Featured In China Daily Asia: Brand New Day

Martin Roll was featured in a recent interview with China Daily Asia about the rise and potential of Chinese companies in the publication’s July 2-8 2018 edition.

The Chief Marketing Officer – A New Boardroom & Strategy Role

The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has become one of the more commonly talked about corporate designations in recent years.

Martin Roll Featured In Customers Belong In The Centre Of Asia Pacific Brand Strategies

Martin Roll’s opinion piece about the link between customers and company brand strategies in Asia Pacific was featured on CMO.

Martin Roll Speaks On The CMO Show About Branding In Asia

Martin Roll was interviewed on The CMO Show on 14 December 2017.

Customer-centric and Consumer-driven Brands

With the immense power bestowed upon consumers by the Internet and an ever expanding means of communication, consumption and interaction, companies have been forced to rethink their branding and business models.

CMO & CEO: Evolving Relationship In The New Age Of Marketing

The role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) continues to evolve as the marketing function becomes more strategic but also equally complex and challenging.

Sony – The Battle To Stay Relevant

A highly relevant and discussed topic in the domain of branding is the importance of maintaining consistency for brands in marketplaces characterized by diverse cultures, increasingly empowered customers and ever changing trends and customer preferences.

Brand Architecture: Key Drivers of Success

The importance of having a strategic vision and a clearly defined management process for brand architecture has increased significantly over the years.

Boardroom Structure – Brand Consciousness And Diversity Are Key

No resource allocation is more important than the allocation of the most senior leaders responsible for shaping the identity and future of a brand.

Martin Roll on Building Strong Chinese Brands

For CKGSB Knowledge, Martin Roll talks about the state of branding in Chinese companies and strategies that will help build truly global Chinese brands.

Branding By The Numbers – Measuring Brand Value, Equity And Marketing Activity

The primary objective of boardrooms is to build and sustain shareholder value over the long-term.

How Boardrooms Must React To A World Of Devices, Data & Social Media

So much of a brand’s future success now depends on how they manage the mobile, social and digital revolution.

Designing The Ideal Customer Insights System

I was recently asked how much of a brand’s success now depends on how they gather and use information and what I thought the best overall customer insights system would look like.

Strong Brands Are Led By The CEO

It is quite clear that this is going to be Asia’s century.