The 21st century has been characterized by constant change and disruption.
In an analysis of the coming “Asian Century”, investment bank Goldman Sachs outlined the impending domination of China and India as economic and technological powerhouses in the global scene.
Management is not leadership.
All companies aspire to build brands that eventually get etched in the culture of the society and become cultural icons.
Next generation leadership is about leading in the most turbulent of times, and successful next generation leaders will be masters of change and resilience.
The number of Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) appointments have been growing steadily over the years.
A great mentor is able to lead their mentee with empathy, sensitivity and patience, while constantly adapting to changing times and complex circumstances.
The role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) continues to evolve as the marketing function becomes more strategic but also equally complex and challenging.
No resource allocation is more important than the allocation of the most senior leaders responsible for shaping the identity and future of a brand.
Great leaders are defined by their ability to unite groups of unique individuals around a common vision.
In a world where everyone is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all leadership strategy.
It is quite clear that this is going to be Asia’s century.